
This page introduces the 'toolbox' HAREROD applies to work towards your success.
Presented are prefered hard- and software products.

STM3232bit ARM Family of Microcontrollers - Hardware-/Firmware Development
AVR8bit-Family of Microcontrollers - Hardware-/Firmware Development
PIC8bit-Family of Microcontrollers - Hardware-/Firmware Development
ESP322.4 GHz Wi-Fi-and-Bluetooth combo chip
TARGETIB Friedrich - Target 3001!
Mill RouterMicro CNC Mill Router

STM32 - 32bit ARM Family of Microcontrollers - Hardware-/Firmware Development ./pics/STM32.jpg

  • wide spread platform for complex microcontroller applications
    • on their own account ST Microelectronics claimed a 45% market share of Cortex-M microcontrollers by 2010
    • for performance requirements between 8bit-controllers and embedded PCs
  • is used at HAREROD for most current projects, because of
    • high computing power reserves (up to 400MHz ARM Cortex-M7 with FPU and DSP)
    • ample internal memory (up to 2MiB flash and 340KiB SRAM)
    • cost reducing internal peripherals
  • is used at HAREROD for most smaller current projects, because
    • F0/Cortex M0 family provides low-cost, small MCUs (up to 48MHz ARM Cortex-M0)
    • this allows one code base to be used for all classes of projects
  • preferred development environment for RTOS-applications: CubeMX + FreeRTOS + lwIP
    • well established codebase directly from the chip manufacturer
    • stable codebase
    • customer may take over the project at any time without additional cost
    • any number of concurrent developers on the project
  • preferred development environment is GCC and CMSIS
    • Eclipse based development environment free available for commercial projects - e.g. CubeMX, Atollic TrueStudio and CooCox
    • high guaranteed future use through lack of hardware protection ('dongle') and software leases
    • customer may take over the project at any time without additional cost
    • any number of concurrent developers on the project
  • existing and tested own firmware modules, GCC and CMSIS based (selection)
    • firmware framework
      • often no operating system
        • enables lean applications
        • project-, data- and future-security through absolute control of the framework
    • watchdog and stack/heap guard for high reliability
    • systemtimer
      • system time base
      • application timer
    • RTC - Real Time Clock
      • battery buffered real time clock - e.g. for data logger
      • over 5 year operation from a CR2032 button cell
      • backup-RAM e.g. for operating state storage
    • interrupt handler
    • DMA - Direct Memory Access
    • main loop / scheduler
    • LCD-graphics library
      • framebuffer with overlay
      • basic functions - pixel, line, arc
      • arbitrary fonts - e.g. Windows or custom designs
      • touch interface - with buttons, sliders, keyboard
    • beeper-sound
      • input of melodies via staves
    • USART - Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Transceiver
      • supports different serial interfaces e.g., RS232, RS485 (full- and half-duplex)
      • Command Interpreter for remote control of the module
      • typically 4..8 USARTs on-chip, possibility of additional external channels
      • field firmware update
    • USB - Universal Serial Bus
      • application specific input devices
        • HumanInterfaceDevice - keyboard, joystick, mouse with Windows standard driver
      • emulation of a serial interface
        • CommunicationDeviceClass - VirtualComPort with Windows drivers from ST
      • field firmware update - DeviceFirmwareUpdate
    • timer
      • PWM - e.g. for motor control
      • impulse generator - the STM32F4 features Timer with 168MHz clock rate
      • beeper sound
    • SPI - Serial Peripheral Interface
      • sensor control
      • IO-extension
      • SDcard Interface via SPI or SDIO
    • I2C - Inter Integrated Circuit
      • EEPROM for parameter storage / Ethernet MAC
      • sensor control
    • ADC - Analog to Digital Converter
      • module self diagnosis, including analog watchdog
      • signal measurement
      • touchpanel-interface (resistive, without external logic)
    • DAC - Digital to Analog Converter
      • programmable signal generator with 1MSps
    • FMC - Flexible Memory Controller
      • LCD - e.g. compatible to Toshiba T6963C or Epson SED1278
      • SDRAM for memory demanding applications
    • Ethernet
      • several PHY and SWITCH variations
      • mini-webserver as remote user interface
      • web pages in internal flash memory or, e.g., on SDcard
      • data exchange via Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
      • simple data display using Server Side Includes (SSI)
      • generation of dynamic content, e.g. show LCD-data as bitmap
      • HTML-touchscreen-emulation
        • identical user interface for browser and touch display
  • optimized schematics- and layout development due to familiarity with special features
    • part selection
    • pinout
    • external circuitry

AVR - 8bit-Family of Microcontrollers - Hardware-/Firmware Development ./pics/AVR.jpg

  • well established work horse for microcontroller applications
    • long standing experience from uncountable projects
    • beginning with the AT90S1200 up to ATmega164
  • is used in current projects, if
    • size is an issue (RFID-base station, melody generator)
    • simplicity is required (hovering Christmas ball)
    • very low cost is required
    • even lower standby power than STM32L, e.g. < 1µA for newer ATtiny
  • preferred development tools
    • Atmel Studio with GCC
      • short development times and good portability through high level C language
    • Atmel Studio with AVR-Assembler
      • selective usage of machine language yields crisp timing without external logic parts (MAHPONG)
  • optimized schematics- and layout development due to familiarity with special features
    • part selection
    • pinout
    • external circuitry

PIC - 8bit-Family of Microcontrollers - Hardware-/Firmware Development ./pics/microchip.jpg

  • well established work horse for microcontroller applications
    • long standing experience from uncountable projects
    • beginning with the PIC16C54 up to current PIC10/PIC12/PIC16F-types
  • is used in current projects, if
    • size is an issue
    • very low power is available (LCD timer module)
    • extra low cost is required (LCD timer module)
  • preferred development tools
    • Microchip MPLAB with MPASM
      • usage of machine language yields very compact code and crisp timing without external logic parts (LCD timer module)
  • optimized schematics- and layout development due to familiarity with special features
    • part selection
    • pinout
    • external circuitry

ESP32 - 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi-and-Bluetooth combo chip ./pics/espressif.gif

  • Prolific System-on-Chip, integrating wireless functionality with a high performance microcontroller system
    • IoT (Internet of Things)
    • wireless webserver
  • extensive integrated periphgeral set (extract)
    • Wi-Fi Key Features
      • 802.11 b/g/n
      • 802.11 n (2.4 GHz), up to 150 Mbps
    • BT Key Features
      • Compliant with Bluetooth v4.2 BR/EDR and BLE specifications
      • Class-1, class-2 and class-3 transmitter without external power amplifier
    • CPU and Memory
      • Xtensa single-/dual-core 32-bit LX6 microprocessor(s)
    • Peripheral Interfaces
      • Two timer groups, including 2 x 64-bit timers and 1 x main watchdog in each group
      • One RTC timer
      • RTC watchdog
      • 34x programmable GPIOs
      • 12-bit SAR ADC with up to 18 channels
      • 2x 8-bit DAC
      • 10x touch sensors
      • 4x SPI
      • 2x I2S
      • 2x I2C
      • 3x UART
      • 1x host (SD/eMMC/SDIO)
      • 1x slave (SDIO/SPI)/li>
      • Ethernet MAC interface with dedicated DMA and IEEE 1588 support
      • CAN 2.0
      • IR (TX/RX)
      • Motor PWM
      • LED PWM up to 16 channels
      • Hall sensor
  • Experience by reference projects with proven EN 60601 (medical) and ETSI EN 301 489 (radio) conformity

CADSOFT EAGLE PCB-Design-Software ./pics/CadSoft.gif

  • worldwide established design software for circuit design and PCB layout
    • long standing experience from uncountable projects
    • using version EAGLE 7 Professional, previous versions 4-6 Professional available, AutoDesk leased versions 8++ on customer's request
    • free viewer application available to customers
    • experiences with other packages (Mentor, Altium) are used for concepts of the workflow
  • HAREROD parts database
    • the parts database is maintained integrating constant feedback from our manufacturers
    • proven design rules and packages guarantee high production yields
    • unique part mapping by manufacturer codes
  • production data preparation
    • HAREROD production partners get explicit records, consisting of
      • EAGLE BRD
        • the reference for the PCB is the BRD-file, not secondary data like Gerber etc.
        • the manufacturers are responsible for generation of CAM data fitting their processes
      • bill of materials
        • a basic bill of materials (BOM) is automatically generated from the parts database
        • the BOM is fine tuned for the chosen manufacturer (prototypes/pilot runs/large-scale)
      • module/component specifications/datasheet
        • each module/component has its own specifications/datasheet
        • definition of production processes
      • EAGLE SCH
        • the separation of PCB data and schematics protects customer know-how
        • following corresponding agreements, schematics may be issued to the manufacturer to facilitate additional device tests
  • the quality of HAREROD production data is being repeatedly complimented by manufacturing partners, resulting in customers to order reviewing and processing of data provided by third party developers

IB Friedrich - Target 3001! ./pics/target_80.jpg

  • wide established design software for circuit design and PCB layout
    • long standing experience from many projects
    • free viewer application available to customers
  • front panel design
    • Target3001! contains a module for front panel design
    • generation of mill- and print-data

Micro CNC Mill Router

./pics/mill_eagle.jpg    ./pics/sheetcam.jpg    ./pics/mach3.jpg    ./pics/millrouter.jpg
  • a micro mill router can not replace industrial parts manufacturing
  • a micro mill router enables cost optimized rapid prototyping and pilot runs without third-party manufacturing
    • workflow
      • design of DXF-drawings (e.g., EAGLE)
      • translation of DXF into G-code (incl. tool informations)
      • CNC processing
    • router workspace
      • ca. 500mm x 350mm x 70mm
    • tools (selection)
      • mill 0.3mm .. 3mm
      • drill 0.5 .. 3mm
      • engraver 45° / 60°
    • preferred material
      • POM - Polyoxymethylen
        • physiologically uncritical
        • high rigidity and stiffness
        • thermoplast -40..130°C
        • density 1.4g/ccm
  • lab samples
    • ports in sample casings
  • test equipment manufacturing
    • test adapters / assembling calipers / programming adapters
      • development and manufacturing parallel to the electronics development
  • reworking
    • nearly no new design is bug free - the micro CNC mill allows manual or automated rework of PCB's, e.g.
      • connector does not fit
        • adjust drill diameter, e.g., with 0.5mm drill/mill
      • layout bugs
        • precision stripping of stop solder mask, to add patches
        • precision stripping of PCB material to reach inner layers
        • precison cutting of copper traces, e.g., with 0.5mm mill